Park Sopot:
Renovation concept
This project is a collaboration of 6 faculties at the University of Zagreb as a part of the Healthy living iniciative of the The Croatian Institute for Public Health. The goal was set on creating active public spaces through replanning and reconceptualizing parks in the city, and promoting a healthy lifestyle in the community.
Authors: Ines Borovac, Leonard Borovičkić, Matea Brkić,
Jakov Habjan, Dora Karamatić, Anita Trojanović, Petra Sturica
Mentor: Andrea Hercog
Course: Industrial design 4
Year: 2017

Our interdiciplinary student group worked on park Sopot, pictured above. We recognized the park’s value to the community as a natural and social center of the neighbourhood - and discovered the drawbacks and unused potential due to the lack of vegetation and content in some areas. The new concept creates multiple zones of activity, from the most to least active.

Structures for play are designed to provide different kinds of play which are more abstract than defined, engaging with children in a creative and physical way. Rope nets, swings and balancing boards are made within a bent pipe structure, surrounded by vegetation.
Directly among vegetation are spherical installations for kids who like playing in a more individual, imaginative way.

The hill for play and relaxing connects an added landscape element with a slide and tunnels, further cohering kids in nature and providing more options for play.

The most southern part of the park is the quietest one, and a modulation in the terrain creates a meditative place for relaxation and comfort.